Aarohan 2022, organized by Team Aaviskar, NIT Durgapur presents before you, its official Software Hackathon "Hackoverflow 5.0", an opportunity to tailor innovation with the fabric of technology and a chance to implement all that you have learnt so far to make something you can be proud of.
"Hackoverflow 5.0" will give you an insight of how technology aids us in solving real life problems. It shall take you into a dimension where you can stumble into a vortex only to get out with a single line of code. Well that is the power of technology. Gear up peeps for this is going to be a roller-coaster !
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Runs from
Mar 4 - 6, 2022
Almost 3 years ago
Aarohan 2022, organized by Team Aaviskar, NIT Durgapur presents before you, its official Software Hackathon "Hackoverflow 5.0", an opportunity to tailor innovation with the fabric of technology and a chance to implement all that you have learnt so far to make something you can be proud of.
"Hackoverflow 5.0" will give you an insight of how technology aids us in solving real life problems. It shall take you into a dimension where you can stumble into a vortex only to get out with a single line of code. Well that is the power of technology. Gear up peeps for this is going to be a roller-coaster !
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Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay
Aditya Oberoi
Rajith Shaji
All speakers & judges
Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay
Aditya Oberoi
Rajith Shaji
All speakers & judges
Team size
1 - 3
Registration costs?
Team size
1 - 3
Registration costs?
Got more questions? Reach out to [email protected]
Team size
1 - 3
Registration costs?
Team size
1 - 3
Registration costs?
Got more questions? Reach out to [email protected]
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